…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria
The Department of Works and Physical Planning is one of the Non-Teaching Departments of the Institute under the office of the Executive Director. Works department is a fulcrum on which the wheel of an organization rotates, it is a support department that enables other departments of the institute carry out their functions.
The Department has two (2) main functions:
To be a leading driver in the creation of a well-coordinated, physically planned, developed and well maintained facilities to support teaching, research, learning, administration and community life of National Institute for Nigerian Language, Aba.
To provide effective, efficient and total quality architectural, engineering works and services for delivering quality utilities to the Institute community.
To develop and implement a comprehensive and integrated planning system that will establish the direction and framework for effective developmental planning and maintenance to promote balanced growth and efficient resource utilization in achieving sustainable development in the day to day running of the Institute.
To continuously exceed expectation, limits, setting trending benchmarks that conform with global best practices in Works services delivery.
The following are some of the duties of the Department among others;
The Director of Works heads the Works and Physical Planning Department and reports to the Executive Director while the department is made up of the following units
Takes responsibility for Administrative oversight, Projects and Programs development, Project Management, Architectural services and Projects Monitoring, Cordination & Evaluation.
Provides necessary assistance in undertaking feasibility studies for some Institute projects. Prepares Structural design for all Institute projects. Assists in the planning and coordination of new facilities for the Institute by providing detailed structural briefs to the Institute external consultants. Actively involves in the monitoring, evaluation and supervision of all on-going Institute projects for quality control. Civil/structural maintenance of Institute facilities etc.
This unit is directly responsible for all Genarators, Air-conditioners, borehole, Plumbing, water reticulation and distribution etc
This unit is charged with overseeing the electrical, electronics, comminications, CCTV and all other such infrastructure.
This unit is charged with the upkeep and maintenance of the institutes vehicles and transportation shedules
NINLAN has two campus sites, both located with the inner ring of Aba urban system in Abia State. These are referred to as City Campus and main Campus.
The City Campus is located along the New Umuahia Road in Okahia Autonmous Community. NINLAN inherited the site in 1992 – 93 academic year from the now defunct Federal College of Arts and Science Aba. Its location at the urban fringe gives it enough recess from the urban rumbles while keeping it within the influence of city activities. However, with the current trend in the growth of Aba, it is now submerged in the urban fabric of the city.
The Federal Government acquired the main campus site in 1976. It is about 8 kilometers from Aba town and as such is sufficiently recessed from the township and far enough to remain outside the domain of the urban system of the city. When fully developed, it is likely to function as an urban satellite and a potential growth pole, with a good link with the city through Opobo Road.
The climate of the area is characterized by a long rainy season (April to October), and a short dry season (November to March). The average annual rainfall varies between 200cm to 300cm. The relative humidity is high and between 60% and 80%. The mean temperature is about 25°C with the maximum of 33°C recorded during April
The vegetation at the site is best described as Derived Savannah due to the clearing of the forest by the farmers. There is a dense growth of oil palm trees on its western end along the bank of Aba River.
The forested, humid, tropical south with its longer rains is capable of supporting a number of tree crops like cocoa, oil palm, rubber, coffee, cotton and the long - season food crops like yam, cassava, sweet potatoes, cocoyam, melon, groundnut, cowpeas, rice and maize.
Overall, rainfall governs the natural vegetation belts and exerts major influence on the type of indigenous plants.
Aba sub - region lies within the low land rain forest zone. Characterizing the zone are the oil palm, cocoa, rubber, cotton, banana, cola nut. The principal food crops - yam, cassava, cocoyam, sweet potato, maize, rice, groundnut, cow peas and beans as well as a number of fruits are similarly produced in this zone.
The vegetation at the site is derived savannah due to the influence of constant clearing for farming by the natives.
This situation is more profound at its eastern neighborhood adjacent to Opobo road. Clusters of bamboo are found growing in this area. Towards the south western end of the site, bound by the Aba River, the vegetation is marked by dense concentration of oil palm trees.
The site slopes gently from Opobo Road southwest to the Aba River. For 95% of the site, the slope is about 1 in 1900. At places there is a tendency for flood water to collect. A strip of land along the river has a steep gradient, which will be uneconomical to develop and as such is best left for agricultural use.
The site lies in the coastal plain sands. Brief description of the materials met at site show clayey sand up to 12.00m in depth, coarse sand between 12.00m and 14.00m and very fine sand below 14 metres depth. Scattered gravel layers are also encountered. As water bearing formation, it is likely prone to erosion due to its unconsolidated nature. There are no rock out crops on the site and no record of earthquake activity in the area.
The top layer consists of loose to dense sand. This is considered the best as foundation base for structures. Soil bearing capacity ranges between 183 and 193 KN/M2, while the California Bearing Ratios are between 5% and 17%. Areas around the Junior Staff Quarters and the Students Hostels have the lowest bearing capacities recorded on the site, but are quite adequate to support up to two storied structures.
The soil is generally fertile, with the strip of steep land along the river bank, being the most fertile. The soil is slightly acidic. As the site is prone to erosion, there should be appropriate ground covers, shrubs and trees as well as a good drainage system, to control erosion and maintain fertility of the soil.
The rainfall is relatively high, averaging about 290cm of rainfall per month. The ground water has low chloride content but high iron content.
The spaces required are aimed at satisfying the academic, research and demonstration requirements of the Institute as well as its housing and communal facility needs. The existing buildings/infrastructural facilities will be efficiently integrated into the Master plan for cost effectiveness.
Office spaces shall be provided for the following:
Academic Departments
Classrooms, Seminar rooms, Tutorial rooms, Auditoriums, Lecture Halls, Conference Halls, Laboratories, Block of Offices, Department Libraries and Workshops should be provided for the following schools mentioned above.
Non-Academic Departments:
Residential spaces shall be provided for:
1) Academic Staff
2) Administrative Staff
3) Special Houses
4) Students
Research Centre Complex comprising:
2) Computer Centre, Publishing House and Book Press
The following facilities shall be provided:
All of the existing buildings are ongoing, completed, uncompleted, and abandoned. They are as follows:
1) Gate/Security House - Bungalow
2) Chapel Building (block of Offices) - Bungalow
3) Conference Hall (Nebo Hall) - Bungalow
4) Bookshop - Bungalow
5) Block of Classroom - Bungalow
6) One Storey Block of Offices
7) Old Administrative Building – Bungalow
8) Temporary Academic Block – One Storey with Courtyard
9) Hostel Block - One Storey with Courtyard
10) Generator House – Bungalow
11) Temporary PGD Building – Bungalow
Classroom blocks 3 Nos.
Senior Staff Quarters (Flats) 5 Nos
Senior Staff Quarters (Detached Bungalows) 10 Nos
Junior Staff Quarters (Bungalows) 7 Nos.
Intermediate Staff Quarters (Bungalows) 12 Nos.
A comprehensive design of a road network is required. Currently an Over-laying asphalt road of approximately 2km has been constructed between March, 2020 and April, 2022.
Four categories of roads are proposed to serve the Institute. These are:
4. Cycle tracks and footpaths (Type D, which are for pedestrian circulation within the Academic Core, residential areas etc. The footpaths are to be located within the open spaces. The cycle tracks are to be segregated from vehicular traffic with the aim of reducing points of conflicts).
There should be adequate provision and location of parking facilities at close proximity to activity centers without creating disturbance or nuisance. For security and safety purposes, especially at night, parking facilities and all internal roads are provided with streetlights.
Water demand calculations for the Institute are to be based on the following:
There are eight submersible bore holes (sumo pumps) in the Institute.
Effluent will be made to flow either into the sewage or septic tank system depending on whether the building is in central, academic, student hostel area or isolated residential areas. Proper and adequate effluent disposal will be evolved with adequate land allocation for the system with allowance for future expansion.
Solid waste to be generated on the campus is expected to including garbage as well as office, kitchen and agricultural wastes. All buildings are expected to be provided with covered refuse bins, which are to be emptied into a large, covered refuse bins adjacent to the buildings. A resident on campus is expected to generate 0.75kg of solid waste per day while a non-resident and visitor generates 0.07kg per day.
The following electrical issues have to be addressed for meaningful power system.
It is expected that the 33kv transmission line will be the primary power supply to the campus. Thereafter, the secondary distribution network of 11kv overhead and underground systems will traverse the various zones with the associated transformers, R.M.U. and feeder pillars.
Currently, 11kv transmission line supplies power to the campus.
The Institute has to be provided with an external telephone network as well as a Private Automatic Branch Exchange PABX to cater for its staff and students. A telecommunication masterplan has to be designed and phased to provide the Institute an efficient and sustainable service.
The Institute benefitted from a Campus Connectivity Network project (WIFI provision) donated by Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) on June 2022.
All buildings shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system consisting of:
Since there is no fire station within the vicinity of the campus, it is advisable that the Institute has its own fire brigade and a system of fire hydrants on the site.
The National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) is an Inter-University Centre for Nigerian Language Studies. It is an autonomous institution under the regulation of the National Universities Commission (NUC).
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