…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS)


The School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) was established in 1998 following the approval of the National Council on Education (NCE) for NINLAN to run post graduate programmes in line with the ACT establishing the Institute. The earlier programmes administered by the SPGS were Diploma in translation studies and linguistics with options in Nigerian languages. Today, the SPGS runs seven diploma progrmmes and hopes to run Master’s and Doctoral degrees in relevant disciplines in due course. These programmes are spread across the three Schools of the Institute with highly qualified academic staff including Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers. The School also offers outreach services to the states of the Federation particularly, in Postgraduate Conversion Programme which primary goal is to convert graduates of disciplines other than language, to language teachers. The School had graduated over one hundred and six in various programmes. The Acting Dean is assisted by a Deputy Registrar and three Registry staff on different levels.


Dr. Ijeoma Joy Chikezie

Ag. Dean School of Postgraduate Studies

The philosophy of the School of Postgraduate Studies is to pursue scholarship through systematic academic and research programmes geared towards development and documentation of Nigerian languages as well as, producing Nigerian language teachers. Hence, our postgraduate students with their supervisors aim at saving endangered Nigerian languages and those at the verge of extinction.

The programmes of the SPGS seeks to achieve the following objectives. To:

  •  explore earlier studies done in Nigerian languages and use the data for documentation;
  • identify research areas that would boost communication and literacy in Nigerian languages;
  • establish grammatical pattern of all Nigerian languages towards enhancement of literacy in Nigerian languages;
  • identify Nigerian languages without autography and develop autographies for them;
  • develop research skills for meaningful application to investigating and solving problems of teaching and learning in Nigerian languages;
  •  translate materials in English and other foreign languages into indigenous Nigerian languages and
  • develop terminological data bank for Nigerian languages.
  • The programmes in Nigerian languages lay a strong emphasis on the scientific and comparative study of the different language groups and also on the literacy, sociological, comparative and phenomenological analysis of written languages and oral literature.
  • Integration of technology in delivery process making the programmes more contemporary and aligned with global trend in education.

The graduates of the various programmes of SPGS will be qualified to gain admission for further studies in relevant disciplines. In addition, they are equipped for wide variety of professions in teaching, public service, social work, the mass media, translators and masters of ceremonies.

The SPGS runs the following programmes:

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics (PGDL)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Nigerian Languages (PGDNL)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Communication studies (PGDC) with option in Nigerian Languages
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Translation studies (PGDT)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Science (PGDLIS)
  • Postgraduate Conversion Programme (PGCP)

These programmes run for a minimum of 12 months and maximum of 18 months.

All non-linguist academic staff is directed to enroll for PGDL or PGDNL.

Staff Profiles

1Dr. ijeoma Joy ChikezieEducational Research and Evaluationijeoma.chikezie@
2Dr. Terfa AorStylisticsPhonologyaorterfa.aor@
3Ms. Scholastica A. OkeziePrincipal Assistant Registrarscholastica.okezie@
4Mrs. Benedicta C. NgarakwePrincipal Executive Officer
5Mrs. Grace A. Emeka-EmmanuelPrincipal Confidential Secretary IIgrace.emeka@
6Mr. Chiemela W. ChimaobiClericalOfficerchiemela.chimaobi@