The NINLAN Programme for the production of professionally competent, highly motivated, conscientious and efficient Nigerian Language career teachers must be a comprehensive, balanced and relevant curriculum. Based on this, the professional teacher education component of the curriculum content – knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, processes, activities and competences – cannot be a tangential factor in the preparation of the Nigerian Language career teacher educator. The Nigeria Language career teacher/educator should carry at least the minimum ratios of programme weighting of teaching subject viz-à-viz Education subjects in each area of specialization. This is in accordance with the needs- driven philosophical conceptualization of NINLAN. Furthermore and very importantly too, teaching for NINLAN Nigerian Language teacher education graduates is not a mere matter of interest for a bird of passage but a profession that should fulfill career expectations to enable them:
- Meet NUC Minimum Standards;
- Meet the NCCE Minimum Standards (for NCE);
- Meet the National Teachers’ Registration Council Requirements;
- Compete successfully for jobs in the market
- Attain career actualization; as well as
- Enhance their commitment to the teaching profession, national and sustainable goals.
The above philosophical stance and the imperatives inform the objectives and the education content of the curriculum of the professional Nigerian language teacher preparation programme of the School of Education.