…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria




The NINLAN Programme for the production of professionally competent, highly motivated, conscientious and efficient Nigerian Language career teachers must be a comprehensive, balanced and relevant curriculum. Based on this, the professional teacher education component of the curriculum content – knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, processes, activities and competences – cannot be a tangential factor in the preparation of the Nigerian Language career teacher educator. The Nigeria Language career teacher/educator should carry at least the minimum ratios of programme weighting of teaching subject viz-à-viz Education subjects in each area of specialization. This is in accordance with the needs- driven philosophical conceptualization of NINLAN. Furthermore and very importantly too, teaching for NINLAN Nigerian Language teacher education graduates is not a mere matter of interest for a bird of passage but a profession that should fulfill career expectations to enable them:

  • Meet NUC Minimum Standards;
  • Meet the NCCE Minimum Standards (for NCE);
  • Meet the National Teachers’ Registration Council Requirements;
  • Compete successfully for jobs in the market
  • Attain career actualization; as well as 
  • Enhance their commitment to the teaching profession, national and sustainable goals.

The above philosophical stance and the imperatives inform the objectives and the education content of the curriculum of the professional Nigerian language teacher preparation programme of the School of Education.


Accordingly, the programmes of the School of Education are geared towards preparing the students to:

  • Develop desirable, comprehensive and balanced intellectual and professional knowledge, skills attitudes, values and competences for assuming academic, administrative and professional leadership in teaching Nigerian Languages at relevant levels of our educational institutions as well as work in other competitive Government and Non- Government establishments that require their services.
  • Develop research skills for meaningful application to investigating/researching and solving problems of teaching and learning Nigerian Languages in a democratic dynamic society.
  • Develop infectious career interest, commitments and scholarship that spur one on to further education opportunities in learning, teaching and popularizing Nigeria Languages.

The School of Education was created in the year 2000 during the Administration of the pioneer Executive Director, Prof. E’ Nolue Emenanjo with the name, School of General Education Studies (SGES). It was renamed School of Education and Ancillary Studies (SEAS) in July 2004 by the Prof. Ben Elugbe’s Administration. The School retained its name until in February 2017 when the Pre-Affiliation Visitation Team from the University of Uyo it ‘Faculty of Education’ to align it with the existing nomenclature of the University of Uyo. After deliberation, the Academic Board of NINLAN adopted the School nomenclature instead of Faculty. Hence, it is presently called the School of Education.

The Dean is the academic and administrative leader in the School. The academic and administrative staff members of the School are responsible to the Dean while the Dean is responsible to the Executive Director.

The School comprises four departments. They are Departments of Teacher Education, General Education Studies, Primary Education Studies and Early Childhood Education. Each department is managed by a Head, appointed by the Executive Director. The Heads of the Departments are responsible to the Dean.

Department of Teacher Education
HOD -Dr,(Mrs) Ikonne Ugochi H.

Department of General Education
HOD - Dr, (Mrs) Ikonne Ugochi H.

Department of Early Childcare Development
 and Education
HOD - Dr, (Mrs) Ikonne UgochiH.

Department of Primary Education Studies HOD - Dr, (Mrs) Ikonne Ugochi H.


The Department of Teacher Education is prepared to offer university level education courses, which must be offered and passed as part of the core and compulsory requirements for the award of B.A (Ed.) Degree (in view). At the moment it offers, Sub- Degree Diploma and Post-Graduate Diploma in Education. The Department has seventeen academic staff and one non-teaching staff. A Head of Department appointed by the Executive Director manages the Department. The current Head of the Department is Dr. Ugochi Happiness Ikonne, an Associate Professor of Language Education. She is responsible to the Dean, the School of Education.

To provide trainings, skills and competences that would mould the beneficiaries into competent teachers, vibrant researchers and efficient administrators etc.

  1. Two-year Sub Degree Diploma in Nigerian languages/education
  2. Two-year Sub Degree Diploma in Nigerian languages/linguistics/education
  3. One-year Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)


Candidates applying for the Sub-degree diploma programmes should possess at least four ‘O’ Level credits, in relevant subjects including English and any Nigerian language.

Applicants shall be holders of first degree/Higher diploma certificate from any recognized university/institution or its equivalent.

The Institute runs a two-semester academic session lasting from October each year to July the following year.


The department engages students and staff on series of empirical researches. Copies of completed projects are in the department as well as in the Institute’s library. Efforts are on in the population of the soft copies on the institute’s website. 

Yearly, the department engages both staff and students on teaching practice and research reporting orientations.


  • 3 academic staff of the department are running Ph.D programme;
  • 5 academic staff of the department are running Masters programme;
  • 2 have just concluded their masters’ programme and have been elevated;
  • 1 was elevated this year from lecturer II to Lecturer I;
  • 1 staff has joined the Department on sabbatical appointment;
  • Our PGDE students are on six-weeks teaching practice at the Institute’s Demonstration Secondary school.
Meet Our Department

Team Of Staff

1Ugochi Happiness IkonnePh.D - Reader/Associate ProfessorLanguage Education
2Joy Ijeoma ChikeziePh.D - Senior Lecturer
Educational research & Evaluation08030975128/07081750165joy.chikezie@
3Love Nkem IhediohaPh.D - Senior LecturerGuidance & Counselling08068886324love.ihedioha@
4Ngozi Anthonia AmazuPh.D - Lecturer IIEducational Psychology
5Ifeoma Francisca EhiemerePh.D in view - Lecturer IEducational Psychology08083726148/07039097781ifeoma.ehiemere@
6Anayo Maxwell OnanwaPh.D in view - Lecturer IIEducational Mgt and Planning07032775301anayo.onanwa@
7Nkechinyere Fortune-NwakanmaPh.D in view - Lecturer IICurriculum Studies08034547593nkechinyere.fortune-nwakanma@
8Ikechukwu Lasbrey UnegbuM.Ed - Assistant LecturerSociology of Education08030928004ikechukwu.unegbu@
9Justina Nkechi OrienwezeM.Ed - Assistant LecturerCurriculum studies0813294963nkechi.orienweze@
10Isaiah Samuel OimisiM.Ed - Assistant LecturerEducational Mgt and Leadership08035341383isaiah.onimisi@
11Anthonia Obianuju MmadukaM.Ed - Assistant lecturerScience Education08063164147anthonia.mmaduka@
12Dorcas Blessing SamuelM.Ed in View - Graduate AssistantGuidance and counsellung09033080626/08100003542dorcas.samuel@
13Jessica Ijeoma UdegbueM.Ed in View - Graduate AssistantGuidance and counsellung08034111612jessica.udegbue@
14Christopher JosephM.Sc - Graduate AssistantBusiness education08167112867christpher.joseph@
15Pius Nnajike OnwuatuakaM.Ed in View - Graduate AssistantEducational Mgt08033557226pius.onwuatuaka@
16Gift Adaoma UbaniB.Sc. Ed - Graduate AssistantEconomics08037781196gift.ubani@
17Joy Chinenye AlbertM.Ed in View - Graduate Assistant08032581362joy.albert@
18Serene NwachukwuB.Sc. Ed - Admin OfficerSocial studies08135387888/08077749398serene.nwachukwu@


The Department of General Education was created in March 2021, following the introduction and approval of the Institute’s NCE programme by the NCCE. It anchors all the education courses offered at the NCE programme of the Institute. The NCCE approved NCE programme for the Institute in 2019/2020 academic year. A Head of Department appointed by the Executive Director manages the Department. The programme is serviced by the staff of the Department of Teacher Education


The Department of Primary Education Studies was created in March 2021, following the introduction and approval of the Institute’s NCE programme by the NCCE. It anchors the primary education programme for the award of NCE. A Head of Department appointed by the Executive Director manages the Department. It has the Staff Primary School as her practicing school.

To train competent Nigerian languages teachers, researcher and administrators who are competent to teach at the basic education level in mother tongue medium.


Nigerian Language/Primary Education Studies

  1. Apart from passing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), candidates must also meet the Institute’s admission requirements which include any of the following:
    1. Five (5) credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any other three related subjects at not more than two sittings in relevant subjects in West African School Certificate (WASC), the General Certificate of Education (GCE), the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE), National Examination Council (NECO), National Board for Technical and Business Education (NABTEB) or its equivalent.  Results from two examinations can be combined.
    2. Teachers’ Grade II certificate with at least five relevant merits.
    3. Any other qualification approved by the Academic Board.
  2. Candidates who do not have the required credits will be allowed to remedy their deficiency before graduation.


The Departments of Early Childhood Education was created in March 2021, following the introduction and approval of the Institute’s NCE programme by the NCCE. The Early Childhood Education Department houses the Early Child Care Development and Education programme for the award of NCE. A Head of Department appointed by the Executive Director manages the Department. It has the Staff Nursery School as her practicing school.

To produce competent teachers, researchers and administrators who have the skills of facilitating teaching and learning at the nursery level of education in mother tongue medium.


 Nigerian Language/Early Childcare Education

  1. Apart from passing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), candidates must also meet the Institute’s admission requirements which include any of the following:
    1. Five (5) credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any other three related subjects at not more than two sittings in relevant subjects in West African School Certificate (WASC), the General Certificate of Education (GCE), the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE), National Examination Council (NECO), National Board for Technical and Business Education (NABTEB) or its equivalent.  Results from two examinations can be combined.
    2. Teachers’ Grade II certificate with at least five relevant merits.
    3. Any other qualification approved by the Academic Board.
  2. Candidates who do not have the required credits will be allowed to remedy their deficiency before graduation.


The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) was created in October, 2019. It is one of the outreach arms of the Institute. The Center is managed by a Director appointed by the Executive Director. The pioneer Ag’ Director is Dr. (Mrs) Ugochi Happiness Ikonne, an Associate Professor of Language Education.

The Centre was created to make the Institutes immediate community feel her impact by making both her conventional and Certificate programmes available on part-time mode. It is also intended to raise Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) for the Institute. It anchors all Institute’s Part Time Programmes. CCE is situated at the Institute’s City Campus (NDSS Premises).


The following conventional programmes are available at the CCE:

  1. NCE Programme (each combined with a Nigerian language)- 8 semesters;
  2.  Sub-Degree Diploma in Nigerian languages/linguistics/Education-6 semesters;
  3. Sub-Degree Diploma in Nigerian languages/linguistics-6 semesters;
  4. Sub-Degree Diploma in communication studies-6 semesters;
  5. Sub-Degree Diploma in French
  6.  Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)-3 semesters.
  7. Post Graduate Diploma in Communication Studies-3 semesters.
  8. Post Graduate Diploma in Nigerian languages-3 semesters.
  9. Post Graduate Diploma Conversion/Nigerian languages -3semesters.
  10. Post Graduate Diploma in Translation studies-3 semesters.
  11. (A-K are offered on weekend)
    1. Apart from passing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), candidates must also meet the Institute’s admission requirements which include any of the following:
    2. Five (5) credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any other three related subjects at not more than two sittings in relevant subjects in West African School Certificate (WASC), the General Certificate of Education (GCE), the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE), National Examination Council (NECO), National Board for Technical and Business Education (NABTEB) or its equivalent.  Results from two examinations can be combined.
    3. Teachers’ Grade II certificate with at least five relevant merits.
    4. Any other qualification approved by the Academic Board.
  1. Candidates who do not have the required credits will be allowed to remedy their deficiency before graduation.

Candidates applying for the Sub-degree diploma programmes should possess at least four ‘O’ Level credits, in relevant subjects including English and any Nigerian language.

Applicants shall be holders of first degree/Higher diploma certificate from any recognized university/institution or its equivalent.

The following certificate programmes are available at the CCE:

  1.  Proficiency programmes in Nigerian Languages- 3, 6, 12 months;
  1. Proficiency programmes in French- 3, 6, 12 months;
  2.  Proficiency programmes in German- 3, 6, 12 months;
  3. Proficiency programmes in Dutch- 3, 6, 12 months;
  4. Executive Proficiency programmes in Nigerian and Foreign Languages (French, German, Dutch (for shorter duration, special class etc)
  5. ELTS, TOEFL, SAT etc preparatory classes (2 -12 months)
  6. 3-6 months SSCE and JAMB preparatory classes

The Centre is managed by an Ag’ Director and three support staff. The Centre’s programmes are serviced by the regular academic staff of the Institute.