…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria

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The fact that communication defines humans, and we are in the communication age, with communication ratings correlating with socio-cultural, economic, political and industrial development, compelled the urgent need to establish a DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES in NINLAN. The department provides a versatile communication programme that is amenable to interdisciplinary studies and collaborations with various Nigerian languages, disciplines and departments in the Institute and beyond. Each student of the Department is required to specialize in one Nigerian language and master basic aspects of Linguistics.

In its philosophical conceptualisation, the Communication Studies programme, which is a broad field of study, strong and more versatile programme in basic and applied communication studies intended to provide the student with the widest spectrum of knowledge possible within the duration of the respective programmes. 

As a result, the sub-degree and postgraduate programmes offer to expose students to the studies, which are used in the exchange of messages, ideas, attitudes or feelings such as the African communication systems, arts of journalism, online and multimedia journalism, film, theatre, radio traditional communication, advertising, public relations and business communication, mass media law and ethics, etc. This wide-ranging content enables the students to acquire knowledge and skills, which could be valuable in educational institutions, the media of mass communication (i.e. newspaper and magazine, book, radio, television, film and online), public relations and advertising rural information/extension services, business and

organizational communication and other related administrative and information management settings. In addition, the students are prepared to be knowledgeable in Nigerian languages. This broad content gives it an advantage over other direct mass communication programmes. 

The Department also offers research and development (R&D) consultancy and general public services in the areas mentioned above in collaboration with the Centre for Applied Communication (CAC).

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The Department of Communication Studies (CST) in NINLAN was established in 2015. The sister departments in the School of Arts,  the School of  Education and the School of Post-Graduate Studies, as well as other existing cognate departments and centres in NINLAN, offer ideal grounds for multidisciplinary collaboration with the Department of Communication Studies. The attraction of this broad-based model of a communication department is backed by historical evidence. The University of Nigeria, Nsukka pioneered communication and other liberal arts disciplines in Nigeria. But the University of Ibadan and newer universities in Nigeria have in recent times made a tremendous impact with the more elastic Communication and Language Arts programmes. Given the great popularity of these newer programmes, the Communication Studies department in NINLAN (modelled after the communication arts programmes) is unique because of its strong linguistics and new media technology components. More importantly, it is rooted in and focused on target Nigerian languages which every student is required to specialize in; which means the Department produces communication specialists with Nigerian language bias.

The Department of Communication Studies which is domiciled in the School of Arts, plans, coordinates and currently provides teaching and research at sub-degree (diploma) and post-graduate levels with a view to training and producing Nigerian languages-proficient specialists in the areas of:

  • Applied Communication (Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing);
  • Expressive Communication (writing, speech);
  • Film;
  • Instructional Communication and Educational Media;
  • Internet Communication and Social Media;
  • Mass Communication (Print, electronic);
  • Receptive Communication (Reading, Listening, Viewing).

Because the programmes are rooted in and focused on target Nigerian languages, which every student is required to specialize in; we shall be producing communication specialists with Nigerian language bias. Thus, the Department of Communication Studies, with the listed areas of specialisation, fills the yawning gaps in communication studies in the various Nigerian languages.

To train students that will be skilful and knowledgeable in the practice of communication with a particular interest in the use of Nigerian Languages in any aspect of communication such as Public relations, advertising, book publishing, online and multimedia journalism, film production, aesthetics, rhetoric and broadcast production(scripting and news casting).

  1. To employ state-of-the-art technologies in teaching, researching and publishing scholarly articles in all aspects of communication studies and Nigerian Languages. 
  2. To develop and improve students’ understanding of the history and role of professionals in shaping communication. 
  3. To produce graduates that will be proficient in the use of Nigerian Languages in news casting, filmmaking and developing media content.
  4. To demonstrate an understanding, as well as the application of the concepts and theories of communication in the presentation of information and images.
  5. To demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and justice. 
  6. To conduct research and evaluate information by methods, numerically or statistically appropriate to the communication professions. 
  7. To critically, creatively and correctly think, write, speak, listen and read in forms and styles appropriate for communication professions, audiences and purposes. 
  8. To apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communication professions. 
  9. To understand and apply the fundamental rights, principles and laws relating to, and regulating the practice of the media and other aspects of Communication Studies in Nigerian languages and media production.

The objectives of the Communication Studies programmes are to:

  1. prepare the students of the department to respond to the industrial and national needs of 

Nigeria’s developing economy;

  1. produce graduates who would work for and then manage media institutions;
  2. offer training in communication skills and;
  3. expose students to a broad liberal education that would prepare them for an increasingly 

interdisciplinary world.


The postgraduate diploma in communication studies is a preparatory programme for graduates without a first degree in communication studies or mass communication, who desire to pursue an advanced degree or take up a career in the field of communication studies. It is designed to provide graduates of communication studies or mass communication with low GPAs, an opportunity to qualify for admission into the Master's programme. The curriculum takes into account the deficiencies of the concerned students in communication studies and tends to remedy that through intensive and extensive teaching, as well as research in the core areas of communication studies. The programme also provides a versatile and eclectic communication environment for multidisciplinary studies, by including foundational courses in linguistics, education and translation. The postgraduate diploma programme in communication studies encompasses wide-ranging areas of theories and practice of human communication, with emphasis on course work and research work.

The diploma programme in communication studies, with options in Nigerian languages, aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge relevant to effective communication and media practice in middle-level careers, freelance contexts or preparatory for a first degree in any branch of communication studies or mass communication. Besides departmental and ancillary courses, students are expected to take elective courses in translation, education, linguistics and Nigerian languages. Such knowledge broad-based knowledge would enable the students to develop proficiency in the various forms of human communication and specialise in a target Nigerian language. 

The objectives of the diploma in communication studies programme are to:

  1. provide fundamental knowledge that would inspire students to pursue careers in communication studies and mass communication-related industries;


  1.  train and produce Nigerian languages-proficient middle-level manpower in the areas of persuasive communication, mass communication, online and multimedia journalism, and expressive and receptive communication. 


Accordingly, students offering communication studies with options in Nigerian languages are required to specialise in any one of the Nigerian languages listed below:

  1. Hausa
  2. Igbo
  3. Yoruba 
  4. Any other Nigerian language that is available in the Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages.

The scope of the diploma programme in communication studies covers coursework and research.

  1. Epepe, Umefien Dakoru (2021). “YouTube and Second Life for indigenous language learning: awareness and usage in tertiary education in Nigeria.”  American Journal of Communication, 4 (1), 1– 20.


  1. Epepe, Umefien Dakoru and Mazi, Jonathan Peter  (2021). “Traditional marriage among the Egene people of Rivers State: Exploring the role of indigenous communication channels.” Commissioned Paper.  In P-K Tubi (Ed.), Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Ethnological and Anthropological Society of Nigeria (pp. 11–30). 
  2. Okpala, Izunna (2019). Analysis of evaluated sentiments; a pseudo-linguistic approach and online acceptability index for decision making with data: Nigerian election in view.  Internet of Things and Cloud Computing.
  3. Okpala, Izunna (2019). Multicultural project management connectedness to national culture: Case study, the Nigerian system. International Journal of Engineering and Management.

Epepe, Umefien Dakoru and Okpala, Izunna (2021). “Twitter, Citizens Participation and Accountability in Governance: Analysis of the #EndSARS Protests”. Paper presented at the Association of Communication Scholars & Professionals of Nigeria (ACSPN) 8th Annual Conference.


Chinedu Ibekwe, a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies at the Institute of Nigerian Languages, Aba, has been awarded a doctor of philosophy degree in Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, from the Imo State University, Owerri, after successfully defending his thesis on the 29th of September, 2021, following the recommendation of the external examiner, Prof. Owums Owuamalam, a don from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra.

 It was a feeling of excitement for the family and friends of Dr Chinedu Ibekwe, for having a son and friend who now possessed the prestigious terminal degree of doctor of philosophy after five (5) years. Prominent among members of the panel who attended the oral defence of Dr Chinedu and others were;

The dean of PG school, Prof. U.U Chukwumaeze (SAN), the dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. P.N Nnamocha, HOD, Mass Communication, Dr K.O Nworgu, professors of the department and faculty, doctors of the department and faculty, and other lecturers of Imo State University. 

His thesis entitled "  Digitalization and Broadcast Stations in the Southeast, Nigeria: A Study of Select Stations"  was said to be the best among the ten (10) candidates that went in for the oral defence before Prof. Owums, where he explored "the assessment of the status, benefits, challenges and prospects of digitalization in select broadcast stations in the Southeast, Nigeria", found that tools that facilitate digitalization are not sufficient and suggest that government and those at the helm of affairs of broadcast stations in Nigeria should set a reasonable deadline and punish those who fail to meet up with the date. 

Speaking on the socio-economic implications of his doctoral thesis, Dr Ibekwe expressed his optimism that his thesis will help Nigerians to understand the prospects and challenges of digitalization, and will help to inspire the Nigerian government on the need to support the digital switchover and be swayed by the digital wind that is blowing across the world right now. 

Dr Ibekwe joins the teeming number of staff of the Institute of Nigerian Languages, Aba, who are relentlessly scaling greater heights in various fields of study with the ultimate goal of contributing to the development of the students of the Institute, the institute, and society at large. 

Meet Our Department

Team Of Staff

Academic Staff
1Professor Obiajulu Augustine EmejuluCommunication. & Language ArtsProfessor08037048720obiajulu.emejulu@
2Dr. Umefien Dakoru EpepeDevelopment Communication Advertising & New MediaSenior Lecturer08036713301epepe.dakoru@
3Dr Chinedu IbekweDevelopment CommunicationAssistant Lecturer08036465113ibekwe.chinedu@
4Mr Izunna OkpalaInformation Management & Technology (PhD in view)Graduate
Non-Teaching Staff
1Mr. Chika NkemdirimAdministrative Officer08063826300
2Miss Ruth Richard
3Mrs Shalom Ibe Clerical


For Enquiries Contact:

Dr Umefien Dakoru Epepe 

Ag. Head of Department, Communication Studies
Phone: 08036713301
Email: epepe.dakoru@