French department is domiciled in School of Arts. The department has been in existence since the inception of NINLAN. French is taught at different levels. It is meant to initiate the students into spoken and written forms of the language as well as acquaint them with current trends in the foreign language literature, culture and civilisation. The over-riding aim of this programme is to expose Igbo students to foreign language with the view to comparing and contrasting French and Igbo culture. It will also help them better appreciate the Igbo language and culture there by helping the attainment of national goals and satisfaction of national needs.
Most countries today, because of increasing urbanisation, international commerce, tourism, business travel and modern technology, have begun to embrace the concept of a society that is multicultural. As a result, a globalised multicultural society would have to be multilingual.
In most international conferences, workshops, seminars, United Nations etc, French and English dominate. Hence to function effectively in the 21st century, French is important because it paves way for job opportunities.
The proficiency, diploma and certificate courses will lead be valuable to some professionals: bankers, translators, interpreters, business men and many others. These programmes are in conjunction with the Institute’s Consult and Centre for Continuing Education.