…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria


…all Languages In One, …Ide Ji Asusu Naijiria, …ikorita Gbogbo Ede Ile Naijeria, …cibiyar Harsunan Najeria




Welcome to Bursary Department of the National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) Aba, the financial management hub of the only Languages Institute in Nigeria.  The Department performs the Financial and Accounting functions of the Institute and also maintains the financial records, rendering financial services and managing financial resources through the efficient application of accounting procedures, principles and standards.

The Bursary Department is headed by the Bursar, who is not only a Principal Officer but also the Chief Financial Officer of the Institute. He is directly responsible to the Executive Director for the day-to-day administration, control and supervision of the financial affairs of our great Institute (NINLAN).  The Bursar is also a member of the Institute’s Management.

The department comprises of eleven (11) units with different responsibilities but working synergistically towards a common goal of ensuring that the financial affairs of the Institute is carried according to laid down rules and regulations.

Each of the units has a unit head who reports to the Bursar. All staff of the bursary department are deployed to various units.

The Bursary Department took off with the rest of the key departments of the Institute administration at the City Campus located at New Umuahia Road Ogbor Hill Aba in 1994 under the initial headship of Mr. Angus Okechukwu Unegbu, who was then a Senior Accountant.

The Bursary was comprised of five sections namely Cash Office, Payroll, Main Accounts, Budget and Expenditure Control.  The Student Accounts section was created when the Staff School (NDSS) commenced operation for secondary school students.

In 1997, Mr. John Eloka Okocha assumed the leadership of the department as a Chief Accountant, and became the first Bursar of the Institute in 2002 after confirmation by the first Governing Council of the Institute.  

The Bursary joined other departments and units of the Institute in moving to the permanent site at Akpaa Mbaato in 2007, when the University of Nigeria Nsukka was managing the Institute. Within this period, Mr. Andrew Obienyem acted as the head of the Bursary department.

With the restoration of the Institute’s autonomy in 2015 and expiration of Mr. Okocha’s tenure in office, now Dr. Angus Unegbu assumed the position of Acting Bursar and was made substantive second Bursar of the Institute in 2016, for 5 year tenure. 

However, prior to the appointment of the current third Bursar of the Institute, Alhaji Rafiu Kolawole Aliu, Mr. Fidelis Udegbue acted as an Acting Bursar for few months following the tenure expiration of Dr. A. O. Unegbu before Alhaji R. K. Aliu took over the headship of bursary as the Bursar in October, 2021. 

The Bursary Department staff strength has been between 15 to 20 since inception of the Institute. The department is currently located at the new Administrative Building of the Permanent site of the Institute. The Department has 5 divisions of 12 units, and serviced by a well-established secretariat. Also Central Stores has a line relationship to the Bursary Department, reporting directly to the Bursar.

The Vision of the Institute Bursary Department is to digitalize its operations with highly skilled and competent staff, geared towards achieving efficiency in the responses to the financial needs of the Institute Community in conformity with Government and extant Financial Rules and Regulations.

The Mission of the Institute Bursary Department is to provide to the Institute Community effective, efficient and solid financial management, support services which aid teaching and research works with discipline, probity and professionalism.

The core values of Bursary Department include, financial integrity, Accuracy, Accountability, Fairness and Culture of providing prompt and satisfactory service with discipline and professionalism.



The Department is responsible for the Financial and Accounting functions of the Institute. The Department has the function of maintaining financial records, rendering financial services and managing the financial resources which involves sourcing, collecting, recording, analysing, classifying, disbursing and controlling the financial assets of the Institute.

In carrying out the above functions, the department concerns itself with the following operations associated with financial management.

  • Preparation of Annual Budget
  • Budgets and Budgetary Control
  • Payment of Contractors for supplies and services
  • Accounts and Accounting records
  • Income of the Institute (Grants, Donations, IGR)
  • All payments
  • Stocks, Stores and Stock Control
  • Insurance of Assets and Human Resources
  • Purchasing and Supplies
  • Provision of Accounting information to Supervisory Agencies and the Public

The department also maintains good working relationship with the following:

  • The Governing Council and Management of NINLAN
  • All staff of the Institute including Cooperatives and Unions
  • All Students of the Institute
  • Government Supervisory and non-supervisory Agencies and Ministries, namely Federal Ministry of Education, National Universities Commission (NUC), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget Office of the Federation, Office of the Accountant General of the Federation, Auditor General for the Federation, National Assembly, Federal Inland Revenue Services, State Board of Internal Revenue Service etc.
  • External and Internal Auditors
  • Registered Contractors of the Institute
  • Banks and other financial Institution

In performance of the duties/functions, the department is strictly guided by the following:

  • Financial Regulations
  • Institute’s Condition and Scheme of Service
  • Manual of Accounting System
  • National Charts of Account
  • Procurement Act
  • Civil Service rules and regulation
  • Audit manual
  • Tax Laws
  • Salary Structures
  • Any Federal Government instant Circulars, among others

The Bursary Department also has the responsibility of applying efficient accounting principles, fiscal policies, concepts, conventions, as well as best practices and procedures.


The Bursar is the administrative head of the department with the central secretariat as Bursary admin. The department also supports the administration on how to boost revenue generation, reduce cost of expenses and the production on a timely basis of accurate and relevant financial data.

The role of the Bursar is summarized as follows:

  • Supervision of the preparation of Budget, its implementation and control
  • Putting in place adequate internal control system that safeguards the assets and liabilities of the Institute.
  • Custody and management of Institute’s records of financial transaction, assets and liabilities.
  • Ensures that Management complies strictly with government financial policies and regulations in the day to day financial administration, among others.

This section is made up of: Budget Unit, Expenditure Control Unit, Fixed Assets Unit

This unit is responsible for preparing the Institute’s financial estimates as well as various reports relating to the funds of the Institute as required by the Governing Council, Office of the Accountant General of the Federation, Budget Office of the Federation, National Universities Commission (NUC) and other relevant agencies.


The following procedures are involved in the preparation of the budget:

  • Call circulars are sent to Heads of Departments/Units concerned to prepare and submit in a pre-determined format, an estimate of the cost of running their units in the forthcoming year.
  • The proposals received are collated, considered and adjusted to generate a draft estimate.
  • Preparation, Presentation and defence of draft estimates of the proposal at the budget and estimates committee of the Institute and the National Assembly.
  • Preparation of aggregate estimate of revenue and expenditure-based on-budget performance of the current financial year.
  • Amendments are made where necessary and the aggregate estimates are presented to the Management and Executive Director for final approval.
  • Periodic preparation of budget performance.

This unit is responsible for monitoring and controlling the expenditure of units in the Institute.

Once the annual budgets are approved, Expenditure Control Officers Open Vote Books for every funded code in the budget profile and ensure that all instruments used in expending money are controlled. The instruments are Local Purchase Orders, Job Orders, Letters of Award/Commission, Contract Agreements, Receipts and Payment Vouchers. The control must ensure that budgetary provisions exist for meeting liabilities arising from the issue and release of these instruments.

The unit is responsible for the following:

  • The Control of approved Budget, coding 
  • Maintenance of Vote Book for Capital and Recurrent expenditures and common charges
  • Preparation of Vouchers based on approved expenditure.
  • Coding of vouched expenditures
  • Ensuring that expenditures for which no budget provisions exist shall not normally be made
  • Maintenance of register of Contractors and Suppliers of the Institute, and
  • Ensure that expenditures by the vote controllers are not contrary to laws, rules and regulations of the Institute.

The activities of this unit include:

  • Maintenance of Bank records and reconciliations
  • Processing of all payments, receipts and disbursement of cash which are the two control functions affecting the cash flow of any Institution
  • Collection and accounting for funds which includes recurrent grant, capital grant, donations, endowments etc.
  • Writing/Balancing of Cash Books, preparing weekly and monthly cash plan and analysis report
  • Posting of Cash books (Receipt Side) and disbursement of the general cash imprest
  • Uploading of payments to all concerned via GIFMIS and TSA (Remita) 
  • Issuing of receipts to Students, refunds from staff and other minor business on campus
  • To receive all monies due to the Institute and issue receipts for the money.
  • To produce the receipt analysis and summary registers from where the Main Cash Book is prepared.
  • To pay all staff and student claims.
  • To pay all duly authorized vouchers relating to supplies of goods and services from contractors.
  • To pay staff salaries, pensions and gratuity claims as duly processed and approved.
  • To draw up the daily or weekly fund position statements for the attention of the Bursar 
  • To keep custody of all original payment vouchers and book copies of all receipt vouchers, as well as a record of their movement to other Units until the Internal and External Auditors, have acted on them.

The Treasury in carrying out these duties successfully, the Unit keeps the following books.  

  • A Register for each TSA account (GIFMIS and Remita) to record all payments made on that TSA account in their strict serial orders.
  • Receipts Analysis Register in which all receipts issued are entered in their serial number order daily; extended to a total column and to a column for the accounts code to be credited with the amount received.
  • The Main Cash Books such as Capital, Overhead and Personnel

This unit interfaces with the students of the Institute through the various TSA (Remita) Accounts for their Financial Matters during their stay at the institution.

The activities of the unit are summarized as follows:

  • Registration of new and old students
  • Maintenance of Students ledger and appropriate financial records for all students
  • Clearance of students on their financial status both annually and at the end of their programme
  • Extraction/schedule of students debtors for financial statement and statutory audits
  • Handling all approved refunds to students
  • Issuance of receipts for all fees paid
  • Settling all students’ problems with respect to payment of fees
  • Check online receipts generated by students with the payment schedules and or the fees payment portal (as the case may be); in order to confirm correctness and completeness of fees paid; then sign and stamp the receipts.
  • Each student’s ledger is updated automatically on-line after payment to reflect the current status, however, a back-up, manual ledger of every student is updated at the various School Accounts’ offices, with the online receipts and/or, follow-up print-out from the office of the Unit head.
  • Opening Ledger for Fresh Students
  • Obtain the list of registered students from the admissions office.
  • Reconcile the list with the fee’s payment print-out of each Department/School to ensure full compliance.

Advances are made to staff to speed up urgent purchases of goods and services. Staff that have to travel or carry out Institute’s business are given purchases or touring advances respectively. Such advances are retired after executing the task.

The unit’s activities include the following:

  • Obtaining daily copies of the advances form, the vouched staff to each advance
  •  Keeping the records for advances for each class of advance granted by the Institute
  • Debiting of advance beneficiaries and code the advances extract file
  • Production of schedule of staff with unretired advances to Bursar for recovery
  • Calling for retirement of advances from beneficiaries
  • Maintenance of personal advances ledger for each staff
  • Clearing of approved advances

This unit operates to grant loans and advances that have been approved for staff and keeps such individual records to explain the balances of the control accounts of the institutions general or nominal ledger. Loans and advances are facilities granted to staff either as welfare, or, to assist in furthering a particular course or for the purchase of a specific item for official use. These include Salary, Rent, Touring, Purchase Advances etc.

This is where lists of all employees whether on permanent or temporary appointment with a view to determining their salaries and wages in compliance with the terms under which each is remunerated.

For control purposes, the Bursary does not put any person on the payroll unless there is a receipt of a copy of that person’s letter of appointment and an appropriate report that the person has assumed duties from the Registrar.

Authority to place any person on the payroll must come from the Registrar to the Bursar. This authority can only be implemented on receipt of the following documents:

  • Copy of the Letter of Appointment of the employee to an established position, for which provision had been made in the current year’s personnel budget 
  • Letter of Acceptance.
  • Assumption of Duty Certificate, showing details of the employee’s actual salary point and date of assumption of duty, employee’s bank details and other personal information. These documents must come in a new file opened for the employee in the Bursary.

The above information will enable the Payroll unit to complete an input form to place the new staff on the payroll. 

Other activities of the Payroll are listed below:

  • * Input in the preparation of personnel budget
  • * Preparation of Salaries for all categories of staff
  • * Bank records 
  • * Provision of relevant payroll information to Bursar and management for decision making
  • * Handling PAYE tax matters 
  • * Opening payroll file for staff of the Institute

* Maintain official relationship with Federal Inland Revenue Services and State Board of Internal Revenue

The Pension Unit is a very important arm of the Bursary and as its name implies is responsible for all pension matters of staff in the Institute. Its activities include:

* Preparation and updating the Institute’s pension nominal roll in collaboration with the Registry Pension Unit

* Furnishing PenCom, Pension Administrators and Federal Ministry of Education with information relating to any employee at retirement or death.

* Maintain Pension information on both the Defined Benefits Scheme (Old Pension Scheme) and the Contributory Pension Scheme

Renewing of Insurance Policies

Arrange renewal meeting with Insurance Brokers.

Compile and update all assets of the Institute prior to the renewal date.

Review all existing policies at the meeting with the Insurance Brokers.

Obtain register of all the policies from the Insurance Broker

The unit exists to ensure the effective use of available resources by stocking items needed for day to day use in the Institute. The stores also serve as suitable places for safe keeping of non-stock items bought that may not be for use immediately.

The activities require very good storekeeping and the following are the job procedures involved:

  • Record SRV on the Bin Cards to reflect new stock balances.
  • Raise Store Receipt Voucher (SRV) for all items received.
  • Stack goods in their designated positions in the Store.
  • Send delivery note and SRV to the Bursar’s office for processing item for payment to the supplier.

the storekeeper advices the Management through the procurement unit on replenishment of stock when balances are at the re-order level so as to avoid stock out.

  • Notification for the exercise is received by the store officer
  • The store personnel arrange the store in an orderly manner
  • Updated Bin Cards are provided for the exercise
  • The stock takers count the physical stocks and reconcile them with the Bin Card balances

All vote controllers have stores issuing voucher (SIV) and they apply through the Head of Department, who signs the SIV, the request is taken to the store keeper for processing and issuing, but if the item(s) are not available it tagged out of stores (OS).

Most of these store procedures are now automated via GIFMIS platform.

The Unit produces revenue profile, expenditure profile, general ledger, trial balance and the financial statement of the Institute. 

The main duties of the Unit are to:

  • Prepare and report on management account and financial statement.
  • Check the Ledger summary and detailed Trial Balance for errors
  • Ensure the accuracy of records by means of balancing and confirmatory procedures.
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual management accounts for the Management and Council.
  • Prepare the financial statement for Statutory Audit.
  • Attend to External Auditors and Government representatives (Auditor-General, Accountant General of the Federation)
  • Co-ordination of Statutory Audit of Institute’s Financial Statements
  • Attend to issues raised by the External Auditors during the audit exercise. Respond to Management Letters from the Auditors.
  • Visitation by Representatives of various Government Financial Regulatory Bodies & Agencies         
  • Receive officials from Supervisory and Regulatory Agencies, among other functions
  • Ensure that the Fixed Assets Register are maintained.

Bursary Department, New Administrative Building, National Institute for Nigerian Languages, Aba Abia State of Nigeria.