The history of NINLAN is rooted in the desire of the federal government to solve the problem of inadequacy of teachers of Nigerian Languages at all levels.
In 1993, the first acculturation school came with only one student. And since then the record shows that this aspect of NINLAN mandate has been sustained to date as indicated in the sample of statistics below.
NINLAN is one of the designated centres for acculturation programme based on the stipulated guidelines of the National Commission for Colleges of Education, the minimum standard that all NCE students of the major Nigerian languages as l2 including Arabic and French are expected to experience acculturation programmes in the relevant language of study.
In packaging of the programme, the students, in addition to the NCCE minimum standard, should:
- Be conversant with and appreciate Igbo Culture
- Appreciate Igbo people and disabuse their minds of stereotype notions about the Igbo people.
- Make life time friends among the Igbos.
- Marry and be Married in Igbo land and thereby foster the unity of this great nation.